Sambal Goreng Petai

sambal petai

Ingredients: 7 eggs, 4 strings of "petai", 3 cups thick coconut milk, 250 gr ground beef, 4 pieces garlic, 6 pieces of shallots, 6 piece of red chili peppers, 20 gr javanese lemon, 1 tea spoon sugar, salt and pepper.


* Remove the yoke of the eggs (use just the whites) Skin petai
* Slice shallots, brown a little bit.
* Mix ground beef with 2 egg whites, mix with sald, pepper to taste.
* Form small balls.
* Let the javanese lemon sit in a cup of water The rest of the egg whites
put in a place holder, and steam cook
* Cut into cube sized pieces
* Grind chili, garlic, and add sugar
* Heat pan with a little cooking oil, add shallots and the garlic mix above,
followed by the petai a few minutes later.
* Put in the javanese-lemon water, followed by the ground beef balls,
add salt and pepper.
* Let simmer for a while, then add the rest of the coconut milk
and the egg-white cubes.
* et simmer for another 3 minute.

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Sambal Petis

Ingredients/ Bahan:
2 tbsp Black shrimp paste (petis udang)
5 Red chillies (Cabe rawit)
2 tbsp Sweet soy sauce(Kecap manis)
1 tsp Fried Garlic (bawang putih goreng)
Hot water (air panas)

Directions/Cara membuat:

1. Blend all together with food processor.

1. Campur semua bahan, ulek halus atau menggunakan food processor.

source :


Perkedel Singkong is called Lento

Ingredients/ Bahan:
0.5 kg Grated Cassava (Singkong parut)
Salt (garam secukupnya)
1 clove Garlic (Bawang putih)
1/2 tsp Turmeric powder (Kunir bubuk)

Directions/Cara membuat:

1. Mix all ingredients, then form the mixture into oval shape ball.
2. Heat oil in deep fryer, and fry medium heat until it is golden and cooked. Put onto a kitchen towel paper.

1. Campur semua bahan, lalu bentuk bulat lonjong.
3. Siapkan minyak untuk menggoreng, goreng hingga matang. Tiriskan dengan paper towel.

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Tahu Campur Surabaya

Tahu campur from Surabaya Region

Ingredients/ Bahan:
1 pack Beancurd (Tahu)
250 gr Bean shoot (Cambah/Taoge)
1 bunch Lettuce (Selada)
4 pcs Dried egg noodle (Mie kering)
Some fried Garlic crackers (krupuk bawang)

Soup/ Kuah:
500 gr Skirt/Gravy beef (daging sapi)
1 stalks Lemon grass (sere)
1 tbsp Coriander (Ketumbar)
6 Shallots (bawang merah)
3 cloves Garlic (Bawang putih)
2 tsp Galangal powder (Laos bubuk)
Salt (Garam)
1 tbsp Palm sugar (Gula merah)
1 cm Ginger (Jahe)
2 Bay leaves (Daun salam)
2 Kaffir lime leaves (daun jeruk purut)

Directions/Cara membuat:

1. Blend all the soup spices then saute it until it fragrant then put in into a deep pan with beef (already sliced thinly) and water, boil all until the beef cooked and tender.
2. Fried the beancurd, set aside. Soak the bean shoot with hot water for 2 seconds then rinse it.
3. Wash and shred the lettuce, set aside.
4. Make "Sambal Petis".

1. Put a tsp of sambal petis, dilluted with little bit soup, then some lettuce on to a deep plate/ bowl, then some sliced fried beancurd, some sliced "Lento", a pinch of bean shoot.
2. Pour the soup and garnish with garlic crackers.
3. Eat with "Sambal Petis" and lime juice.

1. Haluskan semua bumbu lalu grengseng sampai wangi. Masukkan bersama air dan daging sapi yang sudah di iris tipis2, rebus sampai matang dan empuk.
2. Goreng tahu lalu sisihkan, rendam cambah dengan air panas lalu tiriskan. Cuci dan iris2 selada.
3. Buat sambal petis.


1. Taruh 1 sdt of sambal petis, beri sedikit kuah, lalu beri potongan selada, potongan tahu, potongan "Lento", cambah. Beri kuah agak banyak, taburkan krupuk bawang.
2. Sajikan dengan "Sambal Petis".

source :

Sambal Tomat

Tomato Sambal Hot

750 gr large chili, seeded and chopped
750 gr bird's eye chili, whole
1½ kg tomato, Skinned, wedged and seeded
200 gr garlic, peeled and sliced
400 gr shallot, peeled and sliced
50 gr dried shrimp paste, roasted
100 gr palm sugar, chopped
4 ea lemon juice
400 ml coconut oil
1 tbsp salt


Heat oil in heavy saucepan, add shallots and garlic and sauté until golden, add chilies and continue to sauté until chilies are soft. Add palm sugar and shrimp paste and continue to sauté until sugar caramelizes. Finally add tomatoes and continue to sauté until tomatoes are soft.

Set aside and cool. Grind in stone mortar and puree coarsely. Season to taste with salt and lemon juice.

PS: Make sure to cook all ingredients over high heat while continuously mixing. This will preserve nice red color.

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